Friday, January 16, 2009

Harvey Rules Six and Seven

M is reading "The Golden Notebook." I read it while on sabbatical in 1981. I remember little about it except that Anna decided to record her every activity and thought over the course of a single day. Inspired, I decided to do the same.

The first try didn't turn out very well. "I got up at whatever, I took a shower, I had Grape Nuts for breakfast..." That sort of thing. I decided that I needed to focus on my inner life, so I tried again the next day.

I carried a small spiral notebook with me to record things. Riding my bike along the bayou headed to U of H I'd think of something, so when I stopped at a traffic light, I'd take out the notebook and jot it down. Later, I'd see someone walking through campus, and that would remind me of something else. I'd make a note of that. Later still, something might remind me of one of my earlier thoughts. And even later I'd be reminded of what I'd been reminded of when I was thinking about what had reminded me of... I kept this up until late afternoon, when I couldn't stand the sucking vortex whirling inside my skull any longer.

When I got home that night, I poured myself the usual double manhattan -- I was drinking pretty heavily to drown my problems with CW -- and sat down at the typewriter to transcribe and expand on the notes. I worked late into the night until I thought that, if I kept it up much longer, I might lose my mind.

Rule Six: The unexamined life is not worth living. (Socrates)

Rule Seven: The over-examined life ain't so hot either.

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