In this case, the habit is talking on and on about stuff that might be interesting if there were an exchange of ideas, but that becomes increasingly tedious as one rambles on and on.
One talks about oneself, and (the other) one wonders, is one is interested at all in (the other) one?
Will there ever be a break in which (the other) one can interject something? And if there is, will one actually care?
Will one ever ask a question that hints, however vaguely, at some passing interest in (the other) one?
Will one ever ask a question which, when (the other) one gives an answer, will actually be of interest to one, rather than just an excuse for one to move on to the next monologue about one's self?
Should (the other) one just wedge one's way into the conversation, pushing one aside and telling a story of (the other) one's own experience that compares to one's? Is conversation just to be a shoving match?
Or should (the other) one express (the other) one's concern to one? And, if so, how?
Should (the other) one take one aside later and tactfully suggest that one sometimes dominates the conversation a bit much? that others, even others other than (the other) one, have become a bit bored, perhaps?
If (the other) one does this, what is the probability that one would appreciate being made aware of this?
Should (the other) one be really blunt and ask one to shut the fuck up once in a while?
Well, one went back home, and life is back to normal for (the other) one...